Saturday, November 27, 2010

Haley Elizabeth

Thankful, that is probably what I should have titled this blog entry. 

I know it has been way too long since I've posted on my blog.  I have to say that my pregnancy since June has been very emotional since my mom's passing.  I think it was knowing that she wasn't here for me to share things with. 

That being said, I am so thankful to the Lord for a wonderful pregnancy and my labor was very short.  I even made it without an epidural, although I have to say that if I hadn't been too far along when I got to the hospital to get one, I would have gone for it.  I am so thankful to have gone without it though.

Our baby girl, Haley Elizabeth, arrived on October 25th at 2:17am.  She weighed 7lbs, 1oz, and was 19.1 inches long. 

Here she is:

We are so blessed and loving having our little girl here with us.  I just can't put into words how much we love her and how special she is to us.  Haley is a true testimony of God's faithfulness.

God has blessed us so much - we are so thankful!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations.