When I think of my mom, I think of several things – I think about heaven. How amazing it must be and wonder what she thinks of it. Being in the presence of God, in the presence of the One she lived her life for.
I wonder what she’s doing – You know, in heaven there isn’t any fear. How many things have we not done because fear was present. Things that might have been exhilarating – things like flying, diving to the depths of the ocean. Things that are adventurous but also live a bit on the edge.
I certainly don’t think that heaven involves just sitting around. God created us to live, to live an adventurous, abundant life!

My mom reached out to people where they lived. You know the story of the good Samaritan – that would have been my mom. You know how Jesus said to let the little ones come to Him? She always brought the kids from our neighborhood into our home, even after all of her own children were grown. She loved them, she gave all that she could to them. Mostly, she really talked to them. She just let them spend time, giving them snacks and really encouraging them. She shared herself with them. She shared the Truth of Jesus with them and how He could make a difference in their lives.

Mom didn’t do this by herself though; she took her family with her. I can’t count the times our days consisted of serving others because they had a need – a ride to the grocery store, spending time with someone who couldn’t get out, gathering food or clothing for a family in need.

Love expressed. A love that changes lives. Living out the greatest commandments – Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-38) Those are the things I think about when I remember my mom.
Happy birthday Mom!!
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