This past weekend was Mother’s Day weekend. There were also a few other things happening – It was also my husband’s birthday (which I was very excited to celebrate!), the start of a 4-day event where I work (which would require many hours of work), and a need to get with family to celebrate my husband’s mom. There were also the stresses my husband is carrying with his job and commitments. Needless to say, the weekend was busy and filled with running from one thing to the next. It is so easy to become stressed in moments like these. In seasons like these.
I can find myself so stressed and focused on what is being demanded of me that I can’t even enjoy a holiday. I can’t even laugh at the joke my daughter comes up with in the back seat. I can find myself short-tempered. I can find myself so stressed by the demands that what should be fun and a blessing is just another stressful requirement in life.

We were intentional about it. It is so important to be intentional about creating time to just be together. No agenda. No distractions. Just being. Just enjoying.
It’s like that with the Lord. We have to be intentional about spending time with Him. We have to set aside time to just be. No agenda. No distractions. Just being. Just enjoying His presence.

Have you listened to the hymn “It is Well” and heard the story behind it? How did Horatio Spafford honestly pen those lyrics of peace flowing like a river when contemplating the loss of his daughters? It could only have been out of the intentional times of fellowship he had spent with his Savior.
How does “Peace like a river” flow in our lives through difficult times? Only from a reservoir that comes from Peace Himself.“When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.”

God is faithful. He is always there. He always has peace waiting for us. He always has love waiting. We only have to partake of it. We only have to turn and recognize all that He wants for us. We only have to turn and tell Him, ‘here I am and I need You.’
He is there. He is our anchor. He is our lighthouse. He is our peace. Be intentional about looking to Him and you will find all of those things.
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